Description of treatements
The treatments are recommended based on your imbalances and the time you have. Under the Panchakarma they are preceded by a pre-treatment so as to optimize the removal of toxins. Our oils and treatments of pasta is prepared with medicinal plants. They can be enriched with essential oils. Les by oils, grains, ghee, honey, milk incorporated in all our treatments are biological quality.
Diagnosis vedic
It can detect the disease imbalance long before the imbalance sets in, which is particularly important for preventive diagnosis: gain the opportunity to restore balance before you get imbalanced .
The diagnosis also helps to understand the cause of the problems or imbalances.
The pulse reflects the fundamental constitution of the person while it reacts instantly to all physiological and psychological changes. The Vedic diagnosis gives you an accurate and complete picture of your actual state ( physical, psychological).
When you follow a treatment, your program is customized. It is established at the first interview on the basis of pulse diagnosis.
Panchakarma (or "detox") is a unique therapy of its kind that can detach and remove toxins from the body in a gentle, natural and effective. Because of repeated dietary errors, poor digestion, a hyperactive and irregular life, environmental pollution, stress, etc. it is inevitable that toxins accumulate in the body.
The accumulation of toxins in the body, or Ama , is an important risk factor in many diseases, this is why Ayurveda recommends removing these toxins regularly. Allowing the elimination of toxins, Panchakarma allows the balance to recover and stimulates the natural mechanisms of self-healing.
It is a primary method of prevention, because it reverses the process of imbalances.
It also provide a good results to improve a good quality of life helping to contribute to a better balance preventing hypertension, high cholesterol, overweight, diabetes, arthritis, gout, some headaches, skin problems, chronic constipation, sinusitis, depression ; It can help to prevent and improve as a complementary natural traditional ancestry indian system of health care .
It gives excellent results when lifestyle habits need to be changed, eg. as support for smoking cessation and weight loss. The Ayurve treatments induce the further a state of relaxation, which facilitates the return to balance and strengthen natural mechanisms of self-healing. They improve the health and well-being, bringing more vitality and zest for life .
The Ayurvedic treatments is offered in our Ayurvedic center in its most complete form, traditional and authentic. Your treatment plan is customized.
Panchakarma - literally "five (pancha) action (karma)" - includes several successive phases, each with a specific purpose in preparing the next phase. This ensures high efficiency in a relatively short time . The treatments work synergistically to eliminate toxins embedded deep into the body.
The three main phases of Panchakarma:
Pretreatment or Purva karma with stimulating the digestive fire: Pachana, the oleation: Snehana (taking Ghee, oil massage), the fomentation: Svedana, then drain: Virechana
The main treatment or Pradhana karma with massages and treatments: Abhyanga, Shirodhara ... , enemas: Basti and sometimes nasal administration of substances: Nasya or Netratarpana
Post-processing or Paschat karma with stimulating the prana digestive fire: Peyadi Sansarjana karma , pacification of the doshas by d
Ayurvedic herbs , food and lifestyle: Shamana and regeneration by Rasayana .