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Ayurveda (Ayur-Veda or literally -Veda- life science -Ayus), is the traditional Indian medicine, the natural system the oldest known health and experienced to date. Its origin dates back to the Vedic civilization of ancient India. It is still widely used in India and more and more known and appreciated worldwide.

The goal of Ayurveda is to promote the health in all the aspects and treat imbalances by natural means.

The concept of balance is the heart of Ayurvedic logic: balance the physical, mental, emotional balance of the individual within his environment.

Ayurveda considers the individual in all its aspects, and considering the improvement of health from all possible angles: Ayurvedic treatments, herbal medicine, Panchakarma, food, life routines, etc., used in synergy with mental approaches (meditation, eg MT), the mind-body coordination (Yoga), breathing (pranayama), approaches by the sound (Vedic vibration Technology, Gandharvaveda), by color ( chromotherapy) architecture (Sthapatya Veda), and environmental approaches ...

It offers the knowledge to spontaneously live in harmony with nature, to create and maintain its balance and healthy living.


How the imbalance appears?

Ayurveda describes the six stages of the development of an imbalance :

1. Local accumulation of doshas (imbalances): "Sanchaya" 
2. aggravation "prakopa" 
3. spread throughout the body, "Prasara" 
4. location in a body part, onset of symptoms, "Sthana Samsraya" 
5 . Installation of the imbalances/ disease, "Vyakti" 
6. chronic imbalances , "Bheda"

The  Ayurvedic diagnostique can detect imbalances and treat in a subtil and natural way.


The three doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha

A notion of balance is at the heart of Ayurvedic logic: balance the physical, mental, emotional balance of the individual within his environment.

To describe a state of balance (or imbalance) Ayurveda distinguishes three basic principles called D OSHAS in Sanskrit. These are V ata P itta and K APHA .

All physiological states are described in terms of three values ​​- doshas - taken alone or in their different combinations. In addition, all the factors that act upon us: food, routine life, behavior, climate, environment, etc. can be described in terms of the three doshas.

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